
Speaker Edutainer



This is especially fun for those of us who have been around the block, seen it all, and been there, done that.  It is ideal for tuning into and following through on these most fun passions, in order to ensure a life of no regrets.  An advantage to this population is there is much experience that can be synthesized with new learning in an original way.  These life skills emphasize energy management, so participants develop the focus to invest their precious vitality into what has the most personal meaning.


Practices and principles are presented for recognition and cultivation of an individual’s gifts and propensities to maximize fulfillment of creative expression.  Personal development of listening and communication skills combines to engender a win/win cooperative working environment.  There can be group sharing from personal experience and respectful listening in a safe atmosphere of mutual support.  While there is honoring of the individual, it is the sharing that inspires and sparks new brilliant facets of one another, resulting in individual satisfaction in a group atmosphere of cheerful productivity.


These young adults unanimously express anxiety, as they are beginning to explore their independence.  Participants are guided to relaxed self-reflection with guided conscious breathing. With the radical self-honesty and accountability resulting from this reflection, there is always some humor that arises.  To experience comic relief from incessant approval seeking and peer pressure, students learn to value their uniqueness and to laugh with each other at their own foibles and follies. Sometimes joy tears and healing tears are expressed as students get real with themselves and discover that they share common fears and concerns; all signs of increasing self-awareness.  I have consistently witnessed students gain a calm demeanor as they discover the vast resources they have within.  Using the scientific principles of conscious breath and mindset they learn to access deep states of calmness. They feel reassured by knowing that while circumstances of life are ever-changing, they have a steady, stable source within.


Marguerite is an exceptionally gifted teacher, deserving of my highest recommendation. … I consistently experience her remarkable intelligence & integrity. A skilled communicator, she is able to articulate subtle principles with simplicity, clarity, and grace.

Camille Maurine, Co-author, Meditation 24/7, Meditation Secrets for Women

Marguerite’s exceptional gifts as a teacher and media star shine in her yoga video. She was an invaluable consultant and model for the photoshoot for Yoga for Dummies.

Larry Payne, Ph.D., Co-author for Dummies, Yoga Rx

Marguerite’s shining presence… Her deeply transformative workshop was the perfect finishing touch to our Reel Healing program … and Q & A with the filmmakers. At the premiere and her workshop, people were inspired, enlightened and some were moved to tears. ILLUMINATE is forever grateful for her rich contributions. We appreciate her luscious sense of humor, lightness, and always, her wisdom.

Sheron Foster, Illuminate Film Festival

Marguerite’s presentations are a source of joy to all participants. Her presence and guidance renew everyone’s spirit, bringing greater ease of being, rebalancing emotions. She has the ability to guide participants into a deeply meditative state. 

Darcy Lubbers, Ph.D. , Facilitator of Deepak Chopra’s Creating Health

Marguerite is our in-house comedian and yogi, has been a favorite yoga teacher at the University of San Diego for 20 years. USD is dedicated to providing a welcoming, inclusive environment and Ms. Baca is right in line with our philosophy. Many students return to her class’s semester after semester, through to graduation, and maintain contact with her as a mentor and friend. We regularly invite her to contribute her intelligent and playful comedy at our annual events, as we can trust that her humor will be relevant, thought-provoking, and filled with delight and surprise.

Serena Gandara, Recreation Programs Manager, University of San Diego

An excellent speaker and workshop leader! Engaging and interesting. Marguerite tailors each presentation specifically to the audience, putting them at ease and making them open to new ideas. Top-notch in everything she does! 

Sabra Bonelli, MS, Associate Executive Director, YMCA San Diego

I had to post this quick review about one of my Sedona Yoga Festival faves! The very funny Marguerite! I had the privilege of seeing her comedy show. Yoga is about so much more than poses. It’s about community and happiness, and that’s exactly what Marguerite’s show delivered. It was such a fantastic addition to the many workshops that were offered. She had us rolling in laughter. Her radiant positivity and kindness are a joy to be around. I’m so glad I attended the show and highly recommend catching this funny yogini’s set sometime.

Jillian Seaman, Sedona Yoga Festival 2015

As a former participant in Marguerite’s Soul Satisfaction life skills course, I can attest to the transformative nature of the sessions. Marguerite provides a safe container for each person to grow and learn to express their gifts. I highly recommend this course to anyone wanting to learn to thrive in these tumultuous times. Marguerite Baca’s Soul Satisfaction courses are truly life-changing. She actively practices the spiritual principles that form the foundation of her teachings. Marguerite’s humor, depth, and wisdom are sure to lead you to greater clarity and fulfillment in your life.

Joy Athans, R.N., Holistic Health Practitioner (HHP)

Your Soul Satisfaction course transformed me. It helped me to finally get in touch with myself and allowed me to step out of my comfort zone. My confidence grew as I learned to love and appreciate myself in the midst of life’s chaos. I branched out and started to achieve things that I never saw possible for myself in the past, from internships to studying abroad. I am so thankful to have been able to experience that all, thanks to you and your guidance! 

Malia Brazil, Double Major in Art and Art History 

Essentially, Marguerite effortlessly works her magic to help those in her Soul Satisfaction program recognize their potential, she taught us practical principles for us to navigate our challenging personal journeys, and she shares her heart and her humor throughout. Heaps of gratitude to Marguerite.

Lindy Brazil, Professor of English and Humanities

As a very experienced student and teacher myself, I found Ms. Baca’s course well–designed, well taught, and extremely helpful to my professional and personal development. Outcomes and benefits I received from the course include: (1) greater organizational clarity for myself and in my relationships with others; (2) greater efficiency in time management and task orientation in all aspects of life; (3) mindfulness and stress reduction; (4) increased capacity for holistic and empowered self-care; and (5) greater capacity for goal orientation, achievement, and innovation. The course is unique and highly specialized in that it synthesizes Ms. Baca’s years of expert training and experience as an educator in multiple disciplines.